有的,我有用邏輯分析儀去讀,數值一開始為Setup Write to ['208']+ACk, K+ACK,'128'+ACK,Setup Write to ['208']+ACk, K+ACK,'0'+ACK......Setup Write to ['208'],我得I2C,MPU6050_I2C_ADDRESS 0xD1 ,我的MPU板子上是寫MPU-92/65,因為看了你的範例,我就直接用MPU6050去改,因為我自己加入MPU9250的lib都失敗,所以我用的方法是讀mpu6050的A與G值,在寫一個AK8963來讀,不知這樣是否有誤,或是我可以跟你要gmail會比較好討論可以嗎?
I saw this post and I apply it in the nRF52832. I added another function to read the Gyroscope axis and I only got 0 in the tree axis, I did it just I show you below:
Sorry for the late reply, your sensor is MPU6050 too? Maybe you are not enable Gyro sensor, so can't get any data. I need some time to setup on my side, then I can help you.
It seems the troble comes out when I share the I2C bus lines with other sensor. I don't know why... Testing the MPU olone works. Testing MPU and magnetometer sharing the I2C bus don't work only the Gyroscope...
回覆刪除Hello Patrick:
刪除1. 你有用示波器或是邏輯分析儀去看一下為何沒有數值嗎? 是ak8963的i2c address設定錯了才沒有值, 還是有讀成功但數值永遠都是0, 建議你先做初步的分析.
2. mpu9250已經內建m sensor了, 你是讀不到內建的m sensor data, 還是讀不到外接的ak8963 data?
Have a nice day,
有的,我有用邏輯分析儀去讀,數值一開始為Setup Write to ['208']+ACk, K+ACK,'128'+ACK,Setup Write to ['208']+ACk, K+ACK,'0'+ACK......Setup Write to ['208'],我得I2C,MPU6050_I2C_ADDRESS 0xD1 ,我的MPU板子上是寫MPU-92/65,因為看了你的範例,我就直接用MPU6050去改,因為我自己加入MPU9250的lib都失敗,所以我用的方法是讀mpu6050的A與G值,在寫一個AK8963來讀,不知這樣是否有誤,或是我可以跟你要gmail會比較好討論可以嗎?
刪除Hello patrick:
刪除If you have any problem, you can send mail to me, my e-mail address is "wangwewe@mirlab.org",
Have a nice day,
ok,many thank
刪除Hello. Thanks for your works.
回覆刪除I want to add virtual com port (Bluetooth Serial Port), When nRF52832 is connected. How Can I do this?
刪除Do you mean you want to use nRF52 to do Virtual Com-Port?
If yes, you can use ble uart example code on nRF52 SDK.
Have a nice day,
回覆刪除Hello Justin
回覆刪除I saw this post and I apply it in the nRF52832. I added another function to read the Gyroscope axis and I only got 0 in the tree axis, I did it just I show you below:
void MPU6050_GetGyroData(float *gyr)
uint8_t tmp[6] = {0};
int16_t tmp_int[3] = {0};
i2c_read(MPU6050_I2C_ADDRESS ,MPU6050_GYRO_XOUT_H, tmp, 0x06);
tmp_int[0] = (int16_t)((tmp[0]<< 8) | tmp[1]);
tmp_int[1] = (int16_t)((tmp[2]<< 8) | tmp[3]);
tmp_int[2] = (int16_t)((tmp[4]<< 8) | tmp[5]);
And I call it in main program just like this:
// Enter main loop.
for (;;)
sprintf(PrintBuffer, "x:%.2f\r\n", MPU6050_Gyr[0]);
length = strlen(PrintBuffer);
err_code = ble_nus_string_send(&m_nus, PrintBuffer, length);
Did you solve this issue? If yes please share us how you did it. Thanks for your supporting
Hi there:
回覆刪除Sorry for the late reply, your sensor is MPU6050 too?
Maybe you are not enable Gyro sensor, so can't get any data.
I need some time to setup on my side, then I can help you.
Have a nice day,
Hi Justin thanks for your Reply.
刪除Yes, Actually I am using the MPU6050, I will be waiting your answer then.
Thanks a lot again.
刪除Please use below link to test acc+gyro, thanks.
Have a nice day,
回覆刪除It seems the troble comes out when I share the I2C bus lines with other sensor. I don't know why... Testing the MPU olone works. Testing MPU and magnetometer sharing the I2C bus don't work only the Gyroscope...
刪除1. You can check the I2C address of every sensor, maybe MPU6050's I2C address is same with other sensor.
2. Check your pull-high resistance is ok or not.